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A pro­ject that co­ordin­ates the hy­dro­gen ex­pert­ise and ex­per­i­ence across European gas dis­tri­bu­tion com­pan­ies

About Ready4H2

Hy­dro­gen is key to the European en­ergy trans­ition, and gas dis­tri­bu­tion com­pan­ies across Europe are an es­sen­tial part of the chain for rapid hy­dro­gen de­vel­op­ment.

Ready4H2 is a pro­ject that co­ordin­ates the hy­dro­gen ex­pert­ise and ex­per­i­ences across more than 70 European gas dis­tri­bu­tion com­pan­ies and na­tional gas as­so­ci­ations to cre­ate a com­mon un­der­stand­ing of how dis­tri­bu­tion net­works can help real­ise the huge growth po­ten­tial and de­liver the car­bon re­duc­tion po­ten­tial of hy­dro­gen util­isa­tion.

For dec­ades European gas dis­trib­ut­ors have shown the abil­ity to de­liver cost-​effective and safe gas dis­tri­bu­tion and have gained ex­tens­ive know­ledge and ex­per­i­ence that can con­trib­ute to the trans­form­a­tion of Europe's clean en­ergy in­fra­struc­ture.

The European gas dis­tri­bu­tion grids provide an op­por­tun­ity to ac­cel­er­ate de­car­bon­isa­tion of the en­ergy and in­dus­trial sec­tors whilst en­sur­ing en­ergy sys­tem re­si­li­ence, in­creased en­ergy in­de­pend­ence and se­cur­ity of sup­ply across Europe.


Header photo: konoplizkaya –